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Mentor Visit

Author:Feng Feng   Date:2020-11-15   Source:    ClickTimes:

    On the morning of November 13, 2020, Professor Yin Zhiwen, deputy dean of School of Management of Fudan University and mentor for AACSB accreditation of College of Management of Shenzhen University, came to direct the work. Professor Pan Yanchun, associate dean of SZUCM, associate Professor Wang Yanhua, leader of the certification working group, and members of AACSB certification office Zhang Ruina, Wang Huiru and Feng Feng attended the discussion. Professor Pan Yanchun presided over the meeting.

    Associate dean Pan Yanchun extended a warm welcome to Professor Yin's visit and introduced the current status and progress of the AACSB accreditation work of SZUCM. In accordance with the content and requirements of the progress report, Professor Yin emphasized that the faculty member’s professional experience ought to be current and substantial in terms of duration and level of responsibility and consulting activities had better be endorsed or issued letters of appointment. In the process of curricula management and assurance of learning, he insisted that systems must be in place to assess whether learning goals have been met and to improve if not met; not only is a curriculum map mission-oriented, but the content of assessment is sequenced to demonstrate in changes to program curriculum.

    After nearly 40 years of solid accumulation, SZUCM has been making a difference and having impact through the articulation and execution of the mission. To achieve AACSB accreditation, SZUCM commits to the process of continuous improvement to exhibit strong competitiveness and alignment with the intent of the accreditation standards and aims to contribute the wisdom and strength of SZUCM by giving full play to the advantages of the Bay Area.