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MBA Students of Grade 2019 Visited Amanbo Company

Author:Feng Feng   Date:2020-12-27   Source:    ClickTimes:

    On the morning of December 26, 2020, MBA students of grade 2019, SZU, led by Professor Pan Yanchun, Associate Dean of SZUCM, made a study tour to the headquarters of Shenzhen Zhengyi Network Technology Co. Ltd, the African 3D E-commerce Platform Amanbo.

    Amanbo is a Sino-African B2B2C cross-border e-commerce platform. Based on its nearly-20-year Sino-African trade experience, it was founded in 2015. Its business covers e-shop, online transaction, advertising, commercial service, order management, which facilitates the demands of cross-border wholesale and purchase in armchairs.

    The first port of call was the African Museum of Amanco Company, in which the arts on display interpreted the African culture and broadened visions of the visiting students, adding the Family Tree carved with ebony and the Macondre culture in particular, both amazed everyone present.

    At the exchange meeting, Mr. Liao Xuhui, chairman of the company, introduced the operation mode of Amanbo. He said, the OSO (ONLINE + SOCIAL + OFFLINE) three-dimension marketing strategy, which combines online and offline, was innovatively adopted and extended, to bridge the Sino-African trade via online shopping mall and offline exhibition hall attributing to localization operation promotion team, and even offer help to partners for the African market. Regarding the Blue Ocean Market in Africa and our policy support, Mr. Liao analyzed the present situation. He specified the development strategy of Amanbo and had faith in the coexistence of both opportunities and threats.

    At nearly the end of this activity, Professor Pan Yanchun made a conclusion in token of gratitude and best regards. The visiting activity came to its successful close for the time being. More in-depth exchange and all-round cooperation have been the mutual expectancy.