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Exchange Conference with Qianhai Customs

Author:Feng Feng   Date:2020-12-03   Source:    ClickTimes:

    At 14:30 pm, on December 2, 2020, an exchange meeting with Qianhai Customs was successfully held in the 1400 conference room of SZUCM to further the discussion on the role of technical trade measures in government’s assistance to technological innovation and foreign trade development and on the preferential tax exemption policies for import scientific research equipment of scientific research institutions. A team of 7 visitors were Chen Zhaopeng, Commissioner of Qianhai Customs and Secretary of the Party Committee, Chen Lei, head of the 19th Discipline Inspection Team of Shenzhen Customs Party Committee, Zhou Shengzhu, Deputy Commissioner of Qianhai Customs, Peng Jiangtao, senior sponsor of Qianhai Customs, Tao Lingfeng, Director of Qianhai Customs Office, Cheng Feibai, chief of comprehensive business section of Qianhai Customs, Chen Anqi, sponsor of Qianhai Customs Office.

    Professor Li Li, Dean of SZUCM, Professor Ma Weihong, Associate Dean of SZUCM, Professor Liu Xiao, director of the Department of Public Management, Liang Yuqing, Lai Weijun, Xiao Diwen, teachers of the Department of Public Management, attended the meeting. Dean Li Li introduced the present status, educational philosophy and development prospect of our college and looked forward to the future cooperation with Qianhai Customs. Associate Dean Ma Weihong expatiated on the curriculum construction, frontier inter-disciplines, talents training and project cooperation. Teachers attending the meeting shared their opinions on practical operation, technological trade, industry development and customs function.

    Zhou Shengzhu considered the significance of practical platforms to talents training. Peng Jiangtao pointed out that due to the lack of theoretical guidance regarding the technology and trade work, relevant intellectual and managerial resources were expected from SZUCM and hoped that the cooperation was conductive to create high-quality technology and trade ecology.

    Both deepened their understanding of each other and expected the following in-depth consultation. Associate Dean Ma Weihong concluded that it was promising to establish contact mechanism of both parties, to propel deep discussion on the entry point of cooperation, and thereby to advance the project into practice. The meeting came to its close in the heated discussion.