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Expert on AACSB Accreditation Called Online

Author:Feng Feng   Date:2021-03-17   Source:    ClickTimes:

    On the afternoon of March 16,2021, Professor Li Tianxing, vice-president of Fu Jen University, Taiwan, the first Chinese member and Judge of IAC, conducted online guidance as scheduled. Professor Pan Yanchun, associate dean of SZUCM, associate Professor Wang Yanhua, leader of the certification working group, and members of AACSB certification office Zhang Ruina, Wang Huiru and Feng Feng attended the discussion. Professor Pan Yanchun presided over the meeting.

    Associate dean Pan Yanchun introduced the current status and progress of the AACSB accreditation work of SZUCM. In view of the defects in the progress report, vice-president Li Tianxing went into details aligning with the IAC’s requirements and stressed that mission-oriented concept is the essence.

    The AACSB business accreditation not only bespeaks the highest achievement of business schools, but also stands as world top level of business education. Currently, SZUCM is shooting for making through the critical period of the progress report, committing to boost the internationalization and standardization of its continuous and competitive construction with the aid of the AACSB accreditation.