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Online Communication with AACSB Asia-Pacific Organizing Committee

Author:Feng Feng   Date:2021-06-08   Source:    ClickTimes:

At 3 pm (Beijing time), May 28, 2021, Professor Li Tianxing, overseas dean of SZUCM, and Professor Pan Yanchun, deputy dean of SZUCM, had a virtual meeting with AACSB Asia-Pacific Organizing Committee. Geoff Perry, executive vice president and chief officer, Guodong Xu, regional head of east Asia Shanghai, and Liyan Chen, manager of accreditation services, attended the meeting.

The topics of the meeting were mainly about the present situation and strategic plan of SZUCM, such as, time to apply for the on-site Peer Review Team visit, programs for initiating international cooperation projects, and impacts over the transitional period.

This meeting appeared in time. A further and positive understanding has been attained, which facilitates the continuous improvement in the progress of our AACSB accreditation.