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Accreditation Guidance from Professor Li Tianxing, Overseas Dean of SZUCM

Author:Feng Feng   Date:2021-04-14   Source:    ClickTimes:

On the afternoon of April 13, 2021, Prof Li Tianxing (senior expert of AACSB international accreditation, Overseas Dean of SZUCM, ex Vice President of Taiwan FJCU) conducted the second certification guidance on-line. Prof Pan Yanchun (associate dean of SZUCM), associate Prof Wang Yanhua, and members of AACSB accreditation office Zhang Ruina, Wang Huiru and Feng Feng attended the meeting.

In the light of some details in the revision of the progress report, Professor Li Tianxing made in-depth analyses and commented from the relevance of ICs to college mission to the significance of the titles in the tables, from the idiomatic English to the normative format, and from the standard AoL paradigm to its simplification. He emphasized what AACSB accreditation features is continuous improvement and international impact of business schools.

Currently, standing at the revision stage of the progress report, we will go all out to complete the initial accreditation before the implementation of the 2020 standard.