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Against the Clock! Accreditation Guidance from Overseas Dean of SZUCM

Author:Feng Feng   Date:2021-09-10   Source:    ClickTimes:

At 10:30, on the morning of September 9, 2021, SZUCM called a work meeting, inviting Professor Li Tianxing, Overseas Dean of SZUCM, to conduct the certification guidance online. Professor Zhou Zhimin, Vice Dean of SZUCM, members of AACSB certification working group Wang Yanhua, Cheng Yuqiao, and members of AACSB certification office Zhang Ruina, Tang Yanping, Feng Feng attended the meeting. Professor Zhou Zhimin presided over the meeting.

Professor Zhou Zhimin briefly introduced the concerns to address in the progress report. Professor Li Tianxing commended and demonstrated item by item. He said what AACSB accreditation values is continuous improvement and curriculum changes must result from analysis of assessment.

Based on practices in our college, Professor Zhou Zhimin exchanged ideas with Professor Li Tianxing on the submission requirement and timeline.

Great changes are there in the new 2020 standards. And now we are preparing for the progress report 2. Since the new standard is up on the way, we will do our best to complete the initial certification right before the new standard officially takes effect.