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Against the Tide! Rising to difficulties in the Second Progress Report

Author:Feng Feng   Date:2021-11-10   Source:    ClickTimes:

At 12:30, on November 8, 2021, the AACSB certification working group of SZUCM called a meeting to discuss the details in the second progress report. Professor Zhou Zhimin, Vice Dean of SZUCM, members of AACSB certification working group Wang Yanhua, Cheng Yuqiao, and members of AACSB certification office Tang Yanping, Zhang Ruina, Feng Feng attended the meeting. Professor Zhou Zhimin presided over the meeting.

Professor Zhou, together with all the participants, discussed the data and problems in preparing the second progress report. Associate professor Wang Yanhua explained her ideas in drawing the AOL flowchart with SZUCM characteristics. Dr. Cheng Yuqiao introduced his practice in drafting financial statements. Tang Yanping shared the benefits from improving the excel form while collecting and processing IC data. Zhang Ruina reviewed learning goals and learning objectives in our executive summary and the measures to take. Feng Feng reported the previous feedback from IAC on our FQ and gave an account of the current progress in this part. Professor Zhou emphasized that whatever we pursue and implement, it must be mission-driven and school-based, and proposed an overall direction for improvement.

It has been the fifth year since we started AACSB accreditation. At present, we are in the transitional stage between the old(2013) and new(2020) standard. Although difficulties and challenges are inevitable, SZUCMers, as in the past, will face down these obstacles and promote the continuous international construction.