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With the Will: the Second Progress Report Coming to Close

Author:Feng Feng   Date:2021-12-01   Source:    ClickTimes:

At 2:30, on the afternoon of November 30, 2021, SZUCM called a meeting on the finalization of the AACSB second progress report. Professor Zhou Zhimin, Vice Dean of SZUCM, professor Li Tianxing, Overseas Dean, members of AACSB certification working group Wang Yanhua, Cheng Yuqiao, and members of AACSB certification office attended the meeting.

The main task for the meeting is problem summarization and perfection. As to AOL, its kernel ideas rests in how to make continuous improvement in discipline programs. As to the social impact, the current doctoral program is taken as an opportunity to enrich the faculty resources and to trailblaze the international vision.

Make Changes by improvement and responsibility. We will continue to forge ahead.