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Alumni Feedback ------ Sharing Session on Venture Capital

Author:Feng Feng   Date:2022-05-15   Source:    ClickTimes:

On May 14, 2022, a sharing session on venture capital was held at A206, Mingli Building. Five alumni of Luo Dongcheng, CEO of Chitu Investment, Peng Junxi, CEO of ConfigReality, Zhang Hongbin, investor of Naixue, Zeng Xiankui, board chairman of Sunivers Group, Lu Nanshu, director of UME HOUSE, together with two senior investors Lin Ning and Zhang Jianbin, were invited to attend.

At the meeting, Chu Dazhi, Pan Yanping and Wang Li, teachers of SZUCM as well as hosts of the meeting, briefly introduced the history of MBA in SZUCM and the development of enterprise education here in the college. And the guests gave detailed explanations based on the founding purposes and investment projects regarding their respective industries. Graduates and undergraduates of SZUCM doubted, put forward questions and proposed assumption, concerning competitors, entry barriers, industry environment, and legal risks. They had a heated discussion with the guests and teachers.

In the end, Chu Dazhi and Pan Yanping once again stressed the importance of entrepreneurship for students’ learning and growth, and also looked forward to a pace-keeping teaching model of collaboration between industry and university.