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The Salon of Shenzhen University MBA "Business Model"

Author:   Date:2022-10-08   Source:    ClickTimes:

On October 7th, the last day of the National Day holiday, the "Shenzhen University MBA Business Model Salon" was successfully held. The event was organized by the Shenzhen University MBA alumni. Liu Jun, the professor from college of management of Shenzhen University was invited to come and give guidance.

This "Shenzhen University MBA Business Model Salon" focused on the theme of "business model", and discussed the actual cases of alumni's companies. The students had in-depth discussions under the guidance of Mr. Liu.

Zhu Yan, a well-known architectural decoration company in China and a partner of Ruihe Design Institute, shared the innovative business model of the design institute and brought us new ideas for resource integration and industry development. At the same time, she also raised her current doubts and discussed the core and solution of the problem with her classmates and Mr. Liu. After fully understanding the actual situation of the current model, Mr. Liu used his professional knowledge and keen insight to propose a "reconstructive" plan, and elaborated on the specific design and principle of the plan. Zhu Yan and other students were very inspiring.

Jiang Guohua, an entrepreneurial boss with many years of experience in operation and management, shared his ups and downs in his entrepreneurial journey, demonstrated the current company's business model, and discussed the problems he encountered with everyone. The students based on their professional experience came up with your own ideas and explore together how these suggestions apply to existing businesses. Mr. Liu diagnosed the problem from the perspective of "human resource management", and at the same time proposed a "drop-in" human resource model. The learning and expansion of cross-industry experience gave everyone new ideas. By actively seeking solutions to the problems encountered in the company's operation, we knew that Jiang Guohua "is serious about starting a business".

This "Shenzhen University MBA Business Model Salon" was a supplement and extension to the traditional classroom teaching. After learning the basic theoretical knowledge in the traditional classroom, we returned to the actual business operation scene and used the learned knowledge to diagnose the enterprise and provide "good recipes" for enterprises. This is the most meaningful part of MBA study - apply what you have learned! Just as Jiang Guohua said: The best reward for teachers is not to see how many points in the test, but to use the knowledge imparted by teachers to make the enterprise a success!

Finally, we would like to thank Professor Liu Jun again for taking the time to attend this event and bring a brand new practical class to the students. Specially thanks to Lai Chengyong from Jianhe Fund for providing the venue for this event.