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The Lecture Activity of "Industry City Integration"

Author:   Date:2022-10-14   Source:    ClickTimes:

On October 13, 2022, under the leadership of Mr. Chu Dazhi of the School of Management, the full-time students of the optional course of industrial science and technology innovation management and the party members and students of the School of Management "Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Management Teachers and Students Party Members Linkage Studio" jointly participated in the academic forum series sponsored by the Department of Business Administration of the School of Management - Qizhen Forum No. 63 "Industry City Integration of Industrial Innovation Park" lecture, Qi Xiaoyao, director of Shenzhen Bao'an District Development Research Center, was invited to give us a lecture.

According to the topic of industry city integration, Director Qi divided the lecture into five parts: the concept of industry city integration, the concept of industry city integration, the mode of industry city integration, the current problems in industry city integration in Shenzhen, and the countermeasures and suggestions for industry city integration. He also cited the development of the Shenzhen Shantou Cooperation Zone, a common "inner city and outer city mode", and the Nanshan Hi tech Zone Science Park, a unique "inner city and outer city mode" as examples, This paper emphatically introduces the importance of "growth pole theory" and "park effect" for industry in the process of urban development, and also creatively leads to the promotion of the "neighborhood center" model, that is, by building facilities and living space suitable for the industrial park, to avoid the invasion of large business centers and high-end residential buildings to the existing industrial space, and further protect the industrial development space.

At the end of the lecture, Mrs. Chu Dazhi led the students to discuss and communicate with Director Qi according to the lecture content. The students also proposed practical topics such as "the follow-up development of the neighborhood centered model", "the repeated construction of the internal production and external city model", and "how to take the current industrial development path in China". Director Qi gave detailed answers to these questions and won unanimous appreciation from the students, He also said that he benefited a lot from this lecture, which not only broadened his vision and increased his knowledge, but also deepened the students' awareness of "seeking knowledge and truth", and also gave better play to the role of the linkage studio between teachers, students and Party members.

"It's a long way to go, and I will seek from top to bottom". There is still a long way to apply the theory we have learned to practice. We should establish the concept of lifelong learning, and play the vanguard role of Party members, promote the integration of industry, education and research, and promote the better and higher development of the branch.