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The enterprise guest sharing meeting of MBA course "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management"

Author:   Date:2022-10-16   Source:    ClickTimes:

Teacher Pan Yanping invited Ms. Leemoon Chen Yue, the founder of Yueyue Fashion Office, to share with the students of the MBA21 innovation and entrepreneurship management class of the School of Management on the afternoon of October 15, 2022, in Room 202, Sifang Building North, Shenzhen University Lihu Campus. The theme is "How to create a personal IP".

Ms. Leemoon Chen Yue graduated from the University of Manchester with a double master's degree in fashion management and philosophy. She is the founder of Yueyue Fashion Office, a fashion creative planning publicist, and a "human designer". She has served well-known brand companies such as MOCO and Xise. , and carry out fashion celebrity IP training with domestic MCN celebrity institutions.

In the class sharing meeting, Leemoon first asked the students a question, "Why do entrepreneurs or enterprises need IP and fashion?" He also listed Dong Mingzhu, Luo Yonghao and other entrepreneurs and corporate IP cases, and told the students that the two cores of IP are topic selection and packaging. At the same time, Leemoon focused on how to create his own unique business IP through fashion packaging.

Inspired students asked questions and exchanged: "How should we change our dress?", "How to show a distinctive personal style?"...MBA students raised various questions during the exchange, and Leemoon carefully understood the students their actual situation and answer them one by one.

After the sharing session, the students continued to discuss with Leemoon about building personal IP. This class sharing session provided students with a new perspective and inspiration, and everyone gained a lot.