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The workshop on "Cultivation of Professional Quality - Employment Counseling Series Activities" was successfully held

Author:   Date:2022-11-20   Source:    ClickTimes:


A person who lacks good professional qualities cannot achieve outstanding work performance and sound career development. In fierce employment market today, SZUCM held a workshop on "Professional Quality" in order to improve students' professional competence. On November 18, 2022 we invited Xu Xiangquan (general manager of Blackstone Talent Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.), Deng Lingxin (an expert in the professional capacity building expert database of Shenzhen Human Resources and Social Security Bureau) and Cai Yongdi (general manager of Shenzhen Yida International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd.) shared their experience with the students, aiming to help students to improve their professional quality and make choices that were beneficial to their future career.




After this workshop, the students learned more about the requirements and nature of their future careers, experienced the success and spiritual charm of outstanding seniors. The advice seniors gave really helped the students improve their professional quality.




The workshop attracted more than 800 online audiences, and the college would continue to organize training workshops on different themes. In the context of the epidemic, the college was actively exploring ways to carry out various online and offline activities.