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Our College Successfully Holds a Welcome New Student Design Competition

Author:Zhang Ruina   Date:2023-06-15   Source:    ClickTimes:

The purpose of this competition is to provide a stage for SZU students to showcase their design talents through derivative products, incorporating design elementsfrom the 40th anniversary celebration of SZU. Byenriching the cultural connotations of design, the college means to select outstanding works from the contestants' submissions as a gift for our 2023 freshmen.

In the early stage of this competition, the Propaganda Department of the College Youth League Committee produced posters, exhibition stands, tweets and other promotional materials, both online and offline, attracted the attention and participation of many students, achieving good publicity results.

There are a variety of design works submitted, including canvas bags, paper bags, T-shirts, notebooks, postcards, Mousepad, magnetic stickers, and key chains. After multiple rounds of voting, evaluation, and screening, the ten works that ultimately entered the finals were determined.

Final Competition Online

During the finals,the ten contestants gave speeches and showcased their works, while the judges raised questions and suggestions on design concepts and other aspects. In addition, an award-winning Q&A session was established during the finals, where the host asked questions related to design. Students who answered correctly received exquisite gifts, attracting the active participation of many students. The "Lihu Zoo" designed by college students, Lv Jiayu and Xu Zitong, won the first place in the competition.

The First Prize Winner