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Hosonsoft Company representatives came to the college to discuss school-enterprise cooperation

Author:Huiru Wang   Date:2023-09-14   Source:    ClickTimes:

On the morning of September 13, 2023, two Hosonsoft Company representatives came to the College of Management to discuss school-enterprise cooperation. The meeting was held at A201, Mingli Building. He Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee of SZUCM, Chu Dazhi, Director of the Department of Business Administration, Ma Lijun, Director of the Department of E-commerce, Feng Yuanyue, Director of the Department of Management Science, Pan Yanping, Director of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center, Jiang Qijie, Deputy Director of the Department of Business Administration, and Feng Yuhong, Deputy Director of the Department of Artificial Intelligence at the School of Computer and Software at Shenzhen University, attended the meeting.

He Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee of SZUCM, gave a detailed introduction to the development status of Shenzhen University and College of Management in recent years. Subsequently, Sun Shuanghai, Director of Human Resources at Hosonsoft Company, and Deng Lingling, Director of Public Relations, respectively introduced the company's development history and future focus. Afterwards, they discussed the cooperation in-depth including: internships for students, employment for graduates, and cooperation in research and projects. This meeting will help the college establish a long-term and sustained cooperative relationship with the company.