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Author:   Date:2022-09-01   Source:    ClickTimes:

Introduction to CMAA of SZU

The College of Management Branch of the Shenzhen University Alumni Association is referred to as the College of Management Alumni Association of Shenzhen University, or CMAA of SZU. The association is managed by Shenzhen University Alumni Association and the College of Management of Shenzhen University. The vision of the Association is to be the most innovative and influential management elite alumni association in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao, and is committed to alumni interaction, sharing, and co-creation.

 Tasks of CMAA of SZU

① Integrate resources, build a cooperation platform, organize communication and linkage among alumni, and promote management innovation of alumni enterprises;

② Provide alumni with continuing learning opportunities and information on various types of learning and further education in combination with the school's lifelong learning plan;

③ Improve the cohesion of alumni, promote the brand building of the alumni association of Shenzhen University Management Academy, and enhance the influence of the alumni association of Shenzhen University Management Academy;

④ Vigorously advocate that alumni of the School of Management of Shenzhen University actively participate in public welfare, charity, environmental protection, and other activities;

⑤ Promote alumni to contribute to the "dual zone construction" and national economic development.

 Membership system of CMAA of SZU

Graduates, underachievers, advanced students, alternate students, students who have studied, and faculty members who have worked in the College of Management of Shenzhen University (including visiting professors and part-time professors) during various periods of study, as well as social members who enthusiastically support and sponsor the Association, can become members or honorary members through special appointment by the Council of the Association, application for registration procedures, support the Association's articles of association, and volunteer to participate in the Association.

 Organizational structure of CMAA of SZU


 Preparatory work








Conference Site