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Global view of College of Management, Shenzhen University

Author:   Date:2024-01-24   Source:    ClickTimes:

 So far, the College of Management, Shenzhen University owns three signed international cooperation programs as follows,

1. Dual bachelor program with Queensland University (2+2)

2. Exchange program of University of Turku

3. MBA degree program with Missouri State University (MBA)

 Two international programs are currently signing agreements as follows,

1. Dual bachelor degree program of Northwestern State University of Louisiana (2+2)+Exchange program

2. A 3+2 cooperative bachelor/master degree program with Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

 One international program is under negotiating as dual bachelor program with Northern Arizona University.

 During the COVID-19, we held two online thesis writing programs as the University of Pennsylvania Academic English and Thesis Writing Program in 2021, and the University of Pennsylvania, the USA as well as the University of Toronto in Canada online academic thesis writing programs in 2022. These two programs are very popular for enrollment, with a total number of 31 students participating. Our college also hold the International Competency Development online course program in 2022, with a total number of 25 students participating.