CHU Dazhi Title: Associate Professor Department: Business Administration Phone: (86) 0755-26658362 Email: Office: Mingli A406 |
Green Start-ups; Venture Capital; Regional Innovation System
Ph.D Harbin Institute of Technology (2002 to 2007)
Master Northeast Forestry University (1999 to 2002)
Bachelor Harbin Institute of Technology (1991 to 1995)
1. Courses
Industrial Science and Technology Innovation Management, MBA Accounting (Graduate)
Entrepreneurial Accounting, Financial Management (Undergraduate)
Management Accounting (International Undergraduate, teaching in English)
Training courses on Financial Management and Innovation Management (for various high-tech companies and financing institutions in Shenzhen)
2. Awards
MBA Famous Teacher of Shenzhen University, 2020.6
1. Working Experiences
2019.5-Now Independent Director, Zhuobao Technology Corporation Limited
2018.12-Now Independent Director, Shenghong Technology Limited Company
2018.1-Now Independent Director, HONOTO Electronics Corporation Limited
2017.5-Now Independent Director, Boxinglong Creative Packaging Corporation Limited
2017.3-Now Independent Director, Xinyuren Technology Corporation Limited
2. Visiting Experiences
2019.1 Bilingual teaching training, University of Lancashire, UK
1.Peer Reviewed Chinese Journal Publications
Chu, Dazhi, Zhang, Lili, Huang, Zebin and Ding, Wanling. Study on Influencing Determinants of Knowledge Spillover across Geographical Boundaries in China: Taking the Biotechnology Industry as an Example[J]. Science and Technology Management Research, 2020,40(17):124-132 (in Chinese).
2.Consulting Projects
Research on the construction of market-oriented Green technology innovation System in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, 2021.1-2022.12.