CHEN Rui Name: CHEN Rui Title: Assistant Professor Department: Human Resource Management Phone: 86957212/15814470327 Email: |
Human Resources
Doctor City University of Hong Kong (2014 to 2018)
Master Jinan University (2011 to 2014)
Bachelor South China Agriculture University (2007 to 2011)
Principles of Management, Professional English for Human Resource Management, Professional English for Business Administration
Visiting Experiences
Visiting scholar,Tilburg University
1. Publications
1.1 Peer Reviewed International Journal Publications
Chen Rui, Chen Kun, Ou Carol X.J.. Facilitating interorganizational trust in strategic alliances by leveraging blockchain-based systems: Case studies of two eastern banks. International Journal of Information Management. 2022, 102521.
Chen Rui, Chen, K. A 2020 Perspective on "Information asymmetry in Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs): Investigating the Effects of Multiple Channel Signals".Electronic Commerce Research and Applications.2020.3,40: 100936
Chen Rui., Davison, R.M., and Ou, C.A Symbolic Interaction Perspective of Using Social Media for Business Communication.International Journal of Information Management. 2020.1,51:102022
Chen Rui., Ou, C., Wang, W., Davison, R. M., Zhuo, P.Moving beyond the Direct Impact of Using CRM Systems on Frontline Employees’Service Performance: The Mediating Role of Adaptive Behaviour.Information Systems Journal.2020.5, 30(3): 458-491
Wang, W., Chen Rui. and Ou, C., Ren, J. Media or Messages, Which is the King? An Empirical Study of Users’ Reposting Intention towards Social Media Marketing Messages.Computers in Human Behavior.2019.1, 93: 176-191
1.2 Peer-reviewed Academic/ Professional Meeting Proceedings
Chen Rui., "Off the Leash: The Meaning of Non-punitive Security Approaches to Organizational Insiders," 2017 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS),Seoul,Korea, Dec.12-14,2017
2. Honors
The 7th Guangdong Human Resources Research Achievement Award, Guangdong Human Resources Association, The First Prize,2021.7